Three ways to combat stress and exhaustion

When a person finds themselves in a difficult situation, whether in their private life or at work, feelings of frustration and uneasiness begin to emerge. Among the manifestations of this malaise are the stress and anxiety that overwhelm an individual and whose effects are not always easy to control. This is why it is imperative to strengthen one's defences in order to treat these problems as soon as their first symptoms appear. In what follows, we will focus on 3 ways to fight stress and mental exhaustion.

Get some rest

For most people, the day is divided into three parts: sleep, work and leisure. In order to take advantage of your waking free time to recharge your batteries, the alternative of active recovery is available to you. A growing concept which means that you let things get done gradually, such as washing up or cooking, and do them at a restful pace. The opposite is often the case for most of you. When you get home, you hurry up to prepare dinner and wash the dishes once and for all so you can go about your leisure time afterwards. This is quite understandable, but it is recommended that you do these kinds of activities at a slower pace. That way you'll feel less stressed and you'll enjoy doing them.


Feeling grateful for what you think is effective in combating the feeling of lack of stress that is stressful. Instead, thinking that you have everything you need that gives you a sense of relief. Gratitude is a feeling that you must imperatively and continually seek to externalize. Of course it's not that simple, but you have to take credit for always trying. The reason is very simple. Many people tend not to focus on the good things they possess, as opposed to the potential dangers and problems that need to be solved that are constantly present in their memories. In order to trick the brain into showing gratitude, you have to experience it. One thing is enough, and it does not have to be something special, as long as you are truly grateful. Then you think about it, preferably with your eyes closed, and think about what you feel for about half a minute.


Consists of neutralizing fear, because it is not possible to be afraid of a person while at the same time having friendly feelings. But it is not uncommon for stress to harden the behaviour and expression of those who suffer from it. However, kindness and gratitude are qualities that may be stimulated in some people, although this does not seem natural. Feeling afraid and distancing oneself from others brings out stress while kindness soothes the individual. Another obvious benefit of kindness is the peace of mind it brings to the person, which tends to calm them down and keep them away from stressful situations. It also creates a feeling of security in that the person to whom you show a friendly gesture will also show it to you with a smile, for example. The brain interprets this smile or any other friendly gesture as a sign of kindness from the person who told you about it. This helps to ease your stress considerably.
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